
The Taiwanese Business Association OF New Zealand (TBANZ) was established in 1998 as a nonprofit organization.Its membership is composed of Taiwanese that have business interests in New Zealand, Taiwan or other parts of the world.


-- 第十三屆紐西蘭台灣商會第一次雙月例會--The 13 th First even-numbered month regular meeting

時間(Date): 01/June/2011       18:00

地點(Venue): 羊城小館   Sunny Town Chinese Restaurant
                       410 Khyber Pass Road New Market, Auckland
                       Tel: 09 5225000

與會貴賓(VIP Guest): 駐奧克蘭台北經濟文化辦事處 處長及同仁
                                    Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Auckland - Director General Mr. Carl Yang & officer
                                    海外信用保障基金 應正琪董事長及蘇俊維專員
                                    Overseas Credit Guarantee Fund(Taiwan) Chairman Mr. Ying & officer

餐費 (Fee):
會員(Member):NZD 10 p/p
會員家屬(Member family):NZD 20 p/p
非會員(non member):NZD 20 p/p

希望會員及家屬們踴躍參加 請與商會聯繫 tbanz99@gmail.com or 電話 021368868 Jerry / 0211421414Samansa

Could you please RSVP to  tbanz99@gmail.com  by Friday 27 May 2011 to confirm your attendance.

祝大家 生意興隆 身體健康
Yours sincerely

紐  西  蘭  台  灣  商  會
Taiwanese Business Association of New Zealand
P.O.BOX 106470 Auckland city 1143
Mob:021368868  Fax:09 3001295

